martes, 25 de junio de 2019

Animal Vídeos

1. The funny penguins.

The penguins are really cute, beautiful and while other birds have wings for flying, penguins have adapted flippers to help them swim in the water. Also most penguins live in the southern hemisphere. I choose this video because it’s my favorite animal and the video is very funny because folded video in spanish.

2. The Manaties.
The manatee is a large marine mammal with an egg-shaped head, flippers and a flat tail. Manatees are also known as sea cows. This name is apt, due to their large stature; slow, lolling nature; and propensity to be eaten by other animals. I choose this video because show the conservation of the manatíes and how they care and help.

3. The baby Rhinoceros.
The rhinoceros commonly abbreviated to rhino, is one of any five extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae, as well as any of the numerous extinct species therein. Two of the extant species are native to Africa and three to Southern Asia. This video show how a baby rino take your firts shower, and it’s really cute the reaction.

martes, 18 de junio de 2019


October 2, 2000.💛
I was born in San Bernardo a Monday. I was the first child of my parents.

October, 2009.🐶

For my birthday my uncle gave me my first pet (a poodle), Martín, since this day we never separated. He is my partner in crime and literally my everything.

May 1, 2014.💘
In may i have my first concert of "One Direction", wich i was super excited because, i love the band so much. The feelings of listening and watching to them live was unique.

January, 2018.🚗
For the vacation me and my family went to Argentina, Bariloche, where i met beautifuls and uniques landscapes. Also we met the Patagonia in Chile, wich was something amazing and would do again.

September, 2018.💪

When i was in the school, in september every 4th medium have to create a work. Was my first work and it was one of the best works in the school.

November, 2018.❤
The day i had to leave school was the best because i would not have to go anymore but at the same time sad because i would stop seeing my classmate and friends, who love them very much.

December, 2018.💃

My graduation was a very special day because it is a moment that is lived only once.